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Acknowledging Indigenous Land

October 11, 2021@ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

October 11

4 – 5 p.m.

Anderson Hall (1507 W University Ave), Room 216

Register Here

Ginessa Mahar, PhD (Anthropology Librarian and Library Liaison to the American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program, George A. Smathers Library, University of Florida), will be speaking on the relevant history of the University of Florida as a land grant university on Indigenous land and the ongoing efforts to develop a land acknowledgment for the George A. Smathers Libraries. This discussion aims to educate the broader UF community and empower community organizations with the knowledge and understanding needed to construct a land acknowledgment and respect for Indigenous land.


Ginessa Mahar, PhD holds a doctorate in anthropology from the University of Florida (2019) and an M.A. in anthropology from Hunter College (2010). Before joining the Laboratory of Southeastern Archaeology at UF, she worked in the North American Archaeology Lab at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Her dissertation focused on the ancient fishing technologies employed along the Florida Gulf Coast. Her research integrates both archaeological and ethnographic approaches and a mixed-methods approach to develop new fishing practices models to interpret better the archaeological record regarding past human-environmental interactions along Florida’s coast.


Please contact Professor Richard Conley, Department of Political Science, at with any questions. Light refreshments, including New Mexico piñon coffee and traditional fry bread, will be provided for the events in Anderson Hall 216, Department of Political Science (first come, first served). All members of the UF and broader community are welcome!


October 11, 2021
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Anderson Hall, Room 216
1507 W University Ave
Gainesville, FL United States
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